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Terra Harmonia - from buckets to rock shop on the web!

regina kapta

Join me on this journey!

Lets discover more about minerals, geology, crystals and lapidary crafts, and we'll plow thru some layers of digital dirt as well!

Learning about geology, minerals, crystals, gemstones and agates these past 15 years has given me the desire to have my own rock shop on the web. This has opened up the brand new and challenging world of Facebook, Shopify and SEO.
I would never have gone into these subjects willingly, as I am by nature an introvert, an artist, NOT a math person, and have always embraced minimalism. All that has changed.

In my quest to learn the ropes in setting up an ecommerce shop, I've had to dive into learning the terminology of the digital world, sweat over doing my own product photography (my OCD really kicks in on that, I've discovered)  and morphing into a small business owner.

While each area on it's own is generously supported by the HELP contents, my most frustrating experience has been getting lost amidst the Help links, tabs and textual tags within the help sections.  Sometimes I never get back to the original question or issue. There is so much to learn, but I found I do love the process of learning. There is so much DIY, customization and theme options that it gratifies the graphic designer in me. 

So, join me on this journey! Lets discover more about minerals, geology, crystals and lapidary crafts, and we'll plow thru some layers of digital dirt as well!

We caught the rockhounding bug in 2006, and after attending many rock and gem shows, and going on rockhunting trips, we bought Rusty’s Rock Shop in Decatur Illinois, and have been sharing our obsessions about rocks ever since. It’s a way of life now! It keeps us active and learning about minerals, gemstones and agates; and gives us an opportunity to get out of the house and travel. Owning our own business has been a lifelong dream for the two of us, and this is finally becoming a reality. 
We were active in several rock clubs - with plenty of reasons to get out and meet new people! - in the Midwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies, and in the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, and currently in several local rock clubs. 
Most of the material comes from old collections from the 1970 thru the 1990s, with many of the mineral specimens from locations no longer producing or are now under highways or subdivisions. The items on the storefront are a mere fraction of the mineral specimens that are coming. 
When you shop Earthinsync, you are supporting a small woman-owned local business. When you email Customer Service or comment or message on Facebook at Earthinsync, you are talking directly to me.  I welcome new rockhounds and are happy to answer any questions about the minerals, jewelry or rockhounding itself!
Hope you enjoy the information and take some opportunities to hunt for minerals, fossils and agates. As we have discovered  - learn something new every day - it will keep you young! 
Keep looking down!

In Memorium - March 2023

Tony, The Bearded Serenader, passed in January 2021, and I lost my rockhounding partner as well as my dearest friend and companion. I will always treasure our short time together...only 20 years almost to the day we met...and the wonderful ideas, poetry, songs and, yes, opinions he had on everything. Mr Fix-it, problem-solver, gardener, tree-talker and shaman, Tony had a wealth of gifts he didn't hesitate to share with anyone. He was my personal treasure and spirit guide. 

I put the store on hiatus for a while, as I recovered, packed and moved to a new state. I have recently reactivated the online store, and still have many boxes of minerals to add - each is a surprise! I have renewed my interest in this hobby as I meet new friends and new rock clubs! 


About The Author


Regina Kapta is one of those multi-potentialities– lots of varied interests, but working hard to focus on one thing at a time!

Learning about geology, rock hounding and mineral collecting has naturally led to developing a online rock shop, using the foundation of years of graphic design and photography, and adding skills in e-commerce, SEO, and blogging. She has crossed a lot of boundaries, from editor of the local rock club newsletter, writing articles about minerals, setting up a rock and gem show for several years, and branching to the world of ecom.

“It’s all a work in progress, but learning keeps you young, and challenges can expand what you believe is possible! “

Rock the world - in your own way!

If you’d like to find out more about the Earthinsync, or find local places to rock hunt, do some mineral collecting or find a rock club, check out more blogs at https://earthinsync.com/blogs/terra-harmonia.

 Fo rmore information or to check out our store go to earthinsync.com ; or email earthinsync@comcast.net; or call us at 217 433-9585. 

Copyright 2023 Earthinsync

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