Terra Harmonia - Entering the Rockhounding Realm!
regina kaptaTerra Harmonia - earth in sync - in harmony, creating incredible crystals, minerals and semi-precious stones that are a joy to explore.
What do you do when you have a basement full of rocks and mineral specimens?
I'll bet you have a few buckets of rocks laying around! Geodes, agates, fossils, petrified wood, corals and shells - these are all fair game to the true rockhound!
Countless trips to quarrys, riverbeds, gravel pits and rock shows have taught us to appreciate what's under our feet. But, as we discovered, there is always something new to learn. Tony and I caught the rockhounding bug in 2006 and took the next step into the world of minerals...we bought Rusty’s Rock Shop in Decatur Illinois, from Rich and Darlene Perry, and have been sharing our interests about minerals ever since. It’s a way of life now!
Our rockhunting interests keep us active and learning about minerals, gemstones, jewelry and agates; and gives us an opportunity to get out of the house and travel, with plenty of reasons to get out and meet new people!
With the rock shop sitting firmly in the basement, we launched the storefront for Earthinsync several years ago. This is only the latest iteration of the store - with more to come, as each box or flat is uncovered - revealing a surprise crystal flash, or eliciting a groan as the minerals in the flat have disintegrated. Basically rocks and minerals don't change too much over time, as long as they are not exposed to too much light, heat or certain other minerals that might contain acids. We have discovered boxes of pyrite suns - both intact and pristine, as well as piles of grey powder from the high sulphur content found in the Illinois coal veins.
Join us on this journey as we learn more and more about gemstones, minerals, agates, photography, jewelry and this incredible space on the web. Opt-in below for updates on the blog, new additions to the rock shop, and special discounts!
Check out the Earthly treasures in crystals, minerals, agates, fossils, lapidary and hand crafted jewelry at earthinsync.com
Learn something new every day - it will keep you young!
About The Author
Regina Kapta is one of those multi-potentialities– lots of varied interests, but working hard to focus on one thing at a time!
Learning about geology, rock hounding and mineral collecting has naturally led to developing a online rock shop, using the foundation of years of graphic design and photography, and adding skills in e-commerce, SEO, and blogging. She has crossed a lot of boundaries, from editor of the local rock club newsletter, writing articles about minerals, setting up a rock and gem show for several years, and branching to the world of ecom.
“It’s all a work in progress, but learning keeps you young, and challenges can expand what you believe is possible! “
Rock the world - in your own way!
If you’d like to find out more about Earthinsync, begin rock hunting, mineral collecting or find a rock club, check out the blog at https://earthinsync.com/blogs/terra-harmonia.
Fo rmore information or to check out our store go to earthinsync.com or contact via email at earthinsync@comcast.net or call us at 217 433-9585
Copyright 2023 Earthinsync